Lactoflor enteric ecol - Combinated
Composition: in 1 capsule: Saccharomyces boulardii 250mg, Lactobacillus acidophilus 50mg, L.casei 50mg , Bifidobacterium bifidum 25mg, prebiotic (inulin) 25mg.
- Accelerated intestinal evacuation (diarrhea) and digestive disorders.|
- Yeast (Saccharomyces) helps to restore the affected intestinal microflora ("disbacteriosis").
- Lactic acid bacteria contribute to the restoration of microflora and of digestive tract functioning.
- Prebiotic inulin promotes the growth and activation of the own beneficial gut bacteria.
- Can be used during antibiotic therapy.
Contraindications: Lactose intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.
- Synbiotic: contains both probiotic friendly bacteria and prebiotic inulin.
- Available both for children and for adults.
- Recommended by the Bulgarian Gastrointestinal Medical Society.
Recommended daily use:
- Children below 6 years – content of 1 capsule is dissolved in boiled fresh water, juice or milk and taken once a day.
- Adults and children above 6 years – 1-2 capsules a day with some water.
Packing: 10 capsules in a plastic vial in a carton box.
Storage: Store at temperature below 20ºC, out of reach of children.
Produced by "Kendy" LLC, Bulgaria.