International Symposium in Yerevan: perspectives of natural medicines in medicine

International symposium on “Bioregulation approach in modern medical practice: possibilities and prospects” was held in Yerevan. The event was organized by the pharmaceutical companies “Tonus-Les” and “Biomedica”, which are regional partners of the world-famous German company “Heel”. The company’s products are widely distributed in more than 50 countries.
More than 100 doctors from Armenia and abroad took part in the symposium. Invited professors and PhDs from the Russian Federation and Georgia made presentations.
Within the framework of the symposium, the participants discussed usege of the German “Heel” company’s natural medicines in cases of the musculoskeletal system diseases, as well as in pediatric practice and neurology.
According to the keynote speaker of the symposium, Head of the “Biomedica” pharmaceutical company, doctor of medical sciences, professor Besik Shamugia, the natural medicines “Heel” company actively used in our region over the past few years.
“The main purpose of these exclusively natural origin medicines is the prevention of diseases. It should not be allowed the human body to reach a critical stage, when the use of chemicals is already inevitable. The development of the field of bioregulation has great potential for the prevention of diseases in medicine, and the main purpose of this conference - to acquaint our doctors with the novelties in this field,» he said.
Referring to the purpose of the symposium, CEO of the “Tonus-Les” pharmaceutical company Sergey Hakobyan stressed: “Taking into consideration the dynamic development of healthcare field today, our company attaches great importance to the educational approach in the work. Through such events we try to keep our Armenian doctors up to date with the latest trends and developments in the world of medicine”.
The world-famous "Heel" company was founded in 1936 and has a leading position in medicine with its natural products. The partners of "Heel" in the region are "Tonus-Les" (Armenia) and "Biomedica" (Georgia) pharmaceutical companies.
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Tonus-Les provides contract research organization services.
Tonus-Les, which has been a leader in the Armenian pharmaceutical market for over 20 years, provides contract research organization services. The clinic is unique in Armenia and is able to provide services not only to local manufacturers and organizations, but also to all partners overseas.Dont Miss The New Posts!
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